Appendix E Destiny, Racism, Immigration and Population Control
Across the whole of recorded history, we find that tribes made war with and then dominated other tribes. The objectives were desirable land and whatever else could be taken from those conquered. Remaining members of the conquered tribe were used as slaves or put to death. In one manner or another, that practice was in effect from at least 6000 BC until about 1900 AD. Today, we are attempting to end those tribal behaviors around the world, and specifically trying to eliminate any form of slavery or genocide in the name of human rights for all humans.
Tribal behaviors are still with us, however. The advent of democratic and socialistic forms of rule has had little influence on realizing equality for conquered tribes. Look at the fate of the American Indian and that of descendants of the former Black Africans brought here as slaves. Freedom from slavery as practiced in the 1800's in the USA did not mean an end to tribal conquest behaviors on the part of White rulers and their underlings. Today, we call the practices of tribal conquest behavior and discrimination racism. Consider also the "ethnic cleansing" in Bosnia or Kosovo.
Racism is the result of believing that another, different group of people are either inferior to ourselves and are thus to be shunned, and/or, that they will destroy our lives if we do not subjugate them in the zero sum process of land occupation and use of limited, but valued, natural resources, goods and services. No people want to be subjugated. Our more advanced, egalitarian thinkers have attempted to influence White, Black, and Hispanic behaviors in the USA by legislation to eliminate racist behaviors and cross-cultural discrimination. The fairness doctrines in our Constitution and Bill of Rights have been used to attempt to change the fate of Blacks and Hispanics and the negative behavior of some Whites. These efforts have, for the most part, failed.
We find that tribal behaviors are resistant to egalitarian thinking, and only the optimists have believed that we are achieving equality. We have been unable to improve the fate of the overall Black and Hispanic communities to any significant extent, even through welfare, busing, equal opportunity, affirmative action and various other national, state and local efforts. It is true that a subset of Blacks and Hispanics do have better jobs than they would otherwise have had without the above legislative efforts and reforms. However, overall the fate of the average Black or Hispanic is no better now than it was in 1900. Lynch mobs and forced labor have mostly been replaced with something almost as bad. Black and Hispanic people have noted, publicly, that most White people look through them, not at them, and thus do not acknowledge their existence. This experience is a global problem for other tribes, including American Indians in the USA, those in Latin America of Indian extraction and the segregated Aborigines in Australia.
Do you recall apartheid in South Africa? Are you aware of the major immigration of other African Blacks into South Africa today? The urban South African population has increased rapidly since the end of apartheid. Can you blame any Black person for wanting to immigrate into a country of fairness and opportunity, or to migrate within a country once opportunity is perceived? Is not South Africa the most promising opportunity for Blacks whose lives have been chronically poor elsewhere in Africa? The emigration to South Africa is clearly the most promising future for those Blacks. It is also a great challenge to the present South African government and to the South African businesses, for it is essential that this opportunity for Black advancement does not implode the country economically.
The world waits in serious anticipation to see the medium and long-term economic results from the end of apartheid. The pressure on the government to prove long term viability of a highly advanced nation that will be governed predominately by Black people is huge. Unlike the other African states formed within the last fifty years, which have mostly failed miserably, South Africa began its post-apartheid viability test as an economically developed and sound country. Thus, the economic evolution of South Africa will likely affect racist beliefs about Blacks elsewhere in the world.
Life for Blacks and Hispanics in the USA is not what we see happening today for Blacks in South Africa. They are a minority here, and do not represent a controlling political force. When we look at this problem clearly, we come to realize that most Whites do not want the Black or Hispanic populations or any other group in their presence. They continue to take quiet but harmful steps to repress Blacks, similar to the former controlling whites in South Africa. Those who can insulate themselves from Black and Hispanic people by moving to areas too expensive for those people to occupy continue to do so.
We also realize that all the social reforms from the 1950's through the 1980's that were made at great cost to taxpayers have not boot-strapped the Black or Hispanic communities in the USA into self sufficient commercial entities or, as a whole, into successfully integrated communities in the overall USA society. Our failure is not due to lack of motivation on the part of higher income or average income Whites, Blacks or Hispanics, or in the egalitarian thinking of our most progressive citizens. It is due to two fundamental conditions that no legislation or good will can overcome. The first is the continued abhorrence of Black or Hispanic "cultural" behaviors by the White communities at large, and the second is the chronic inability of most Blacks and Hispanics to compete effectively for jobs that pay well in the USA. We have never determined, definitively, if the latter problem is essentially racial prejudice or the byproduct of cultural origin or a specific set of genetic limitations or some combination.
We have found, however, that Orientals and ethnic groups from Europe and the Middle East have integrated well in the USA in the last half of this century. Intermarriages between traditional White USA residents and members of those other groups are now common rather than exceptional. Yet, each group in turn experienced its period of hatred and discrimination when they first arrived in the USA. But they were able to make their way to financial success and eventual respect by competing and winning against the "establishment" in virtually every area of education, occupation or other enterprise, and in large numbers. They did that because they could do that, not because of helpful legislation or other assistance or good will on the part of the ruling White community.
Blacks and Hispanics are among our brightest and most contributive people in the USA, in virtually every professional field or area of business or government or entertainment. I have personally worked for and with dozens of Blacks and Hispanics in professional settings, and some were far brighter than I. I have also worked with dozens of Blacks and Hispanics who held lower paying but respectable jobs and most of them were certainly competent, respectable and, frankly, good company. However, I have also worked with many, many more dozens of Blacks and Hispanics who usually hold no jobs at all, and their quality of life and defensive behaviors are sad indeed. They are like us in wanting to be acknowledged and respected, but they do not and apparently cannot compete effectively for their success today in the capitalistic democracy turned socialist state that we have in the USA.
The words many or dozens quickly lose significance when we consider the raw size of the unsuccessful Black or Hispanic populations compared to that of the unsuccessful White population on a percentage basis. There simply is more to this problem than racism, based on color or nation of racial origin. Success in a capitalistic society is achieved only by being competitive. That means being educationally competitive, not using weapons of destruction. All it takes to push any group into the background, economically, is relatively minor actual differences, whether they are Black, Hispanic or White.
The inability to compete is in large measure why drugs are so rampant in the Black and Hispanic communities and why nuclear family life is the exception rather than the rule, particularly in the Black communities. Most Black and Hispanic males have a dismal fate in the USA, for they cannot have the pride of accomplishment in supporting themselves or their families. So they self-destruct, and the women are left with the responsibility to provide for the children and themselves, and the cycle simply repeats.
The above situation is deplorable for everyone, and make no mistake, you are part of the everyone even if you live comfortably in a middle or upper class White community. What we are allowing to happen in and to the Black and Hispanic communities and their people is tantamount to continuous genocide. Birth rates continue to be too high, and many are lost to gunfire, drugs and prison. The living conditions of most Blacks and Hispanics today, compared to the Whites, is every bit as bad as it was during the period of slavery. We cannot seem to stop that from happening with welfare or other legislation related to equal opportunity, so it is time to be realistic and humane.
First, Blacks and Hispanics willing to work must have jobs that pay sufficiently well for them to support their families respectably. Second, we can and must eliminate the sources of drugs. Third, we must contain the population of the Black and Hispanic communities so that they do not expand and overcome our ability to provide jobs. Fourth, we must promote our evolution through genetic engineering so that all Blacks and Hispanics as well as Whites have the freedom to become able to compete, as soon as we can reasonably make the required technological advances. That, and only that, will end what we call racism towards the Black and Hispanic people. It will also end primitive cultural behaviors that Whites find abhorrent, due to better alternative means for Blacks and Hispanics to feel good about themselves, namely, success.
If you believe population control is a violation of human rights, think again. Real human rights violations currently overwhelm the Black and Hispanic communities in the USA and will continue to do so until we take the steps listed above. The majority of Blacks and Hispanics are sentenced to life in hell until we help them achieve success through social reforms and, especially, applied technology in genetic engineering. We cannot expect any specifically identified group of people to accept population control voluntarily. But in truth, we also need to do this in the White communities. Every citizen has a right to work and to be paid respectably for that work if it is properly done. If we need to tax ourselves in order to support that need, then lets do so. Lets move forward to get the jobs, the end of drugs, and population controls.
Destiny candidly requires population controls for 95% of the entire USA population. They take the form of one for one replacement followed by banking genetic material to accommodate possible tragedies and then mandatory sterilization. The unaffected 5% of the population are essential to our development and application of technology and leadership needs to rise above our current limits. That is the only reason they will be permitted to reproduce, temporarily, at a rate higher than one for one. You may choose to call it intellectual elitism or a whole new category of cultural or racial discrimination. If so, you have sadly missed the point. These people are our only effective means to stop what we have chosen to call racism. A law licensing them for greater than one for one reproduction must have limits and be renewable under sunset law provisions. If we expect trust from the minorities, and poor whites, we must ultimately produce that which will provide them demonstrably improved lives.
However, do understand that the world of developed nations will not make special allowances for any culture or race that is unwilling to evolve progressively as Humanity as a whole moves forward in time. Quite simply, the demands on all humans will increase, not stay the same or decrease. No one will have the choice of living in a static world. The unavoidable implication is that you will decide to succeed, whether your basis for your status at this time in history is cultural, racial, or simply that you come from or live in an undeveloped area of the world. The Destiny objective is to overcome all of our limitations, not to repeat our history.
It is necessary to discuss immigration into the USA at this point to provide a solid foundation that will allow support of our minority needs without runaway cost. To point, no sensible citizen will entertain uncontrolled cost for social programs, however they come about. No sensible members of government or business would willfully accept that consequence either. Part of the controlled population process thus includes no rights for individuals who have immigrated without permission. This takes the form of microchip implantation in bone for all legal citizens and new births in the USA of those citizens, including legal immigrants. The microchip will contain social security number and other identifying information, including physical appearance, DNA profile, retinal and fingerprint data. New microchips will be implanted to supplement earlier microchips at specific ages of responsibility.
All services within the USA that today use card scanners, e.g., credit card and ATM machines, will use the microchip information and the onsite reading of retinal and/or fingerprint data to determine identity and right to purchase goods and services. No one will be permitted services of any type unless they have either a valid microchip or an authorized time limited travel visa microchip from immigration services, or cash. At home or hidden births will not work to defeat that process, for the unexpected appearance of a person without a microchip will lead directly back to the parents via DNA testing and drug enhanced lie detector use. Cash, as I am sure you are well aware, will soon be a memory as a transaction medium. The microchip information will be the connection to banking data through the social security number and other data, and it will replace credit cards and ATM machines.
The event of birth within the USA will not constitute citizenship, unless it is a legal birth. This will eliminate the present problem of illegal immigrants having children within the USA. If USA citizens do not become sterilized after having children, one for one, as will be required by law, and they later have another child, 10 to 50 percent of their income or net worth assets will be attached each year as a 20 year penalty for each illegal birth. The percentage will be based on consideration of current income and net worth, such that there will be no advantage to being relatively poor or wealthy before the fact. The extra children who result from USA citizens, however, will be legal in every sense and entitled to full rights, and they will be microchip identified at birth or as soon thereafter as their status is discovered. All other people who are illegal immigrants will be deported upon discovery, and in the interim, they will find great difficulty obtaining goods and services. In short, the land of opportunity will not exist for illegal immigrants.
It is the unavoidable nature of the consequences identified above that will cause both citizens and potential illegal immigrants to follow the population limit laws by enlightened self-interest. Eventually, we will come to understand the benefit of that rigorous control process on behalf of our future, at which point the laws can, and hopefully will be, rescinded. In the interim, it is the microchip approach that can be used globally to aid in population control.