Responsibilities of Individuals

Most of the ideas advanced earlier in Destiny give the reader a good feel for what is about to be covered in this chapter. The major themes were about self-responsibility, overcoming inherited or implanted prejudice and ignorance, and dedicating one's life to the furthering of the human race by actively gaining and using knowledge. Destiny identified that the improper use of power, not power itself, has been a terribly negative factor in keeping us from being free to devote time to our basic development.

That we are ignorant is bad enough. That we are misled and made to continue our ignorance is unforgivable. It is our individual and collective responsibility to correct that problem with major improvements in checks and balances applied to the educational, political and business processes that directly affect our lives now and set the stage for future generations. We need to educate ourselves and redirect our religions to promote good values in an atmosphere of human advancement. In short, you receive and you give a legacy. Finally, we do not tend to look at the future with a creative plan or purpose. We simply look at our children with the hope that their world will be better than what we have experienced. Well, that is not going to happen as a simple result of good intentions.

In all fairness, if 95+% of us are bit players, what can we do that would have any meaning? What "toolsets" can we common people use effectively if we do want to participate actively in building the future? Lacking very high intellect and advanced education, how can we know if ideas proposed to help us prosper now and develop the future are good or bad? These are the questions addressed in this chapter. We need a guide for action and means to be effective, whatever our fortune in inherited ability to learn.

It would be easy to develop a sense of futility or to misuse the requirement of personal responsibility to promote anarchy, neither of which is in any way appropriate. Destiny is not about giving up or about "righteous" anger about our current lives. Both behaviors are negative. It is time to develop concepts for personal goals, to recall goal directed thinking, and to translate the resulting goals into an action plan.

Whatever the final form of your plan, it must have two essential components. First, you must be secure in the knowledge you will be covered for your basic life needs; and second, you must work with other like-minded people as a cohesive group to influence the present and the future through government, business and religion. The second of these components holds the key to assuring the first. For example, you can affect your job security through legislative actions that impede job discontinuities, such as the business profit and job movement and wage issues discussed earlier.

Our society in the USA has seen the formation of numerous splinter groups in the last half of the 20th century with very narrow, self-serving objectives that invariably, if unintentionally, deny freedom and opportunity to others. Some of this results from frustration with the failures of government, business, educators and religions in providing us with a sense of purpose and a secure life. You are likely sick of hearing special interest groups promote their tunnel vision causes. You might include the intolerant religious fundamentalists, the white and black supremacist groups, the gender groups like NOW, the anti-abortion activists and the political paparazzi masquerading as news and entertainment.

To be fair, each group has had some valid reasons for promoting their causes. However, they all fall neatly into the old story about three blind men trying to describe an elephant by touch. Their scope and domain are too limited, and their vision, no pun intended, sadly inadequate. They each chose the wrong starting point to stimulate major changes we need to see in our society. They do not represent a comprehensive or enlightened approach to managing our present or developing our future. Nor do the groups outside the USA that threaten world peace.

In the Middle East (Israel and Palestine) and eastern Europe (Bosnia and Kosovo) examples, some nations can't even get past ethnic and religious issues to promote commerce and peaceful co-existence. Even well-intended interactions of the USA State Department and the United Nations policing activities don't help much, which is proof of the absurdity of the warring tribes "fundamental" beliefs regarding the past, the present and the future. They reflect the worst part of human history. We kill each other. We are not tolerant. We are prepared to win by any means, with no regard to the rights or inherent human value of others. This type of thinking has no place in Destiny. You are expected to support United Nations efforts to eradicate the power of the aggressors by global criminal law and to provide better education for all the citizens. Peace and human rights are not an option.

You have the choice of falling into the splinter groups, hiding by avoiding all controversy, or forming whatever alliances you can to promote peace, security and the future of Humanity, as described in Destiny. Of course, you might also hang on to our outdated and ineffective social institutions in the naïve belief that our leaders will find the best solutions without your direct input. I hope you have heard the Destiny wake up call. Your leaders are not taking you where you want or need to go, in government, religion, education or business. You are not helping if you reproduce irresponsibly or fail to educate yourself or ignore your responsibility to help manage your nation.

What type of alliance or organization can you form or join to promote Destiny? Certainly not a Church of Destiny, for that implies separatism or elitism of a wrong sort. Certainly not the Destiny Party, for that infers a primarily political charter. Your charter is not as limited as that of earlier social organizations like Freemasonry or Odd Fellows or Knights of Columbus. You are a new, applied philosophy for developing Humanity, a new ideology, and you will work through all organizations and mediums to deliver your message.

Without funding, you cannot expect to command large blocks of media time. You can, however, use the Internet to identify each other and help form a larger worldwide Destiny group, and our churches can be used for local gatherings, as discussed earlier. It is true that few of us will be shining stars. However, we can elect our leadership and we can promote, indeed require candid communication and self-evolution to avoid falling into the same power struggles that typically comprise ascendancy in business or government. Any prospective member will espouse the beliefs in Destiny and gain full and equal voting membership unless they publicly communicate ideological beliefs or philosophy that undermine Destiny outside our contrarian discussion groups.

Let the message of Destiny speak for itself. We do entertain spirited and contrarian discussion within our own organization for our growth. We do not allow counter Destiny views to be publicly expressed as the voice of Destiny. We are not afraid of drug assisted lie detector tests.

Your personal drivers, if you choose to accept them, call for an international community of committed and practical idealists, whose messages are peace, education and truth in all communication, and the active development of the human race. You can successfully work through existing political processes within your country, state, etc., to alter the composition of the legislatures and parliaments and thus, the laws. You can influence businesses, as our religious fundamentalists in the USA have shown, by boycotting products and services. Within limits, you can direct discretionary financial resources to purchasing media time to help the rest of the citizenry understand how they are unreasonably manipulated.

Most important, you will be understood if you live according to the morality of Destiny. You will be more like Gandhi, and not like Genghis, for peaceful non-compliance and proactive creativity are extremely effective, particularly when large population segments decide to bring issues to national and international attention. For example, the California Proposition process is a direct means to capture signatures for balloting new or modified laws, where the final result is determined by popular as opposed to representative vote. The legislature is then legally compelled to modify laws or introduce and pass laws that mirror the proposition. Imagine the effectiveness of this process in California and elsewhere if Destiny members decide to support or create a proposition. Recognize that the proposition process is the citizenry deciding to act on what the legislatures have failed to take seriously.

From all of the above, you will receive your self-validation as a true humanitarian, a Destiny person, and you do not need to be a shining star. Until, of course, you can. You will abide always by the golden rule, for that law, above all others, reflects the morality of Destiny.