Chinese Five Spice Seasoning - ☺♥
Chinese Five Spice Seasoning

This recipe is for making a quick Americanized version of Chinese five spice seasoning.


2 teaspoons of black peppercorns

5 whole star anise

1/2 teaspoon of ground cloves

1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon

1 tablespoon of ground fennel seeds


Toast the peppercorns in a small skillet by shaking it over low to medium heat until the aroma of the peppercorns is released. This will take around 3 minutes.

Grind the toasted peppercorns and the star anise in a spice grinder or in a Magic Bullet® mixer.

Shake the blended seasonings through a fine-mesh strainer to get an even consistency. Regrind any large pieces that won't go through the strainer and then put them through the strainer.

Mix in the ground cloves, ground cinnamon, and ground fennel seeds.

Place the mixture back into the spice grinder or Magic Bullet® mixer and grind the spices until they are very fine.

Store the five spice seasoning in an airtight container and keep it in a dark, cool space until you use it.