Frozen Margarita - ☺♥
Frozen Margarita

This recipe makes three quarts of terrific frozen margaritas. It is very simple. My great friend Barbara Blair provided it and she got it from friends Pat and Lew in Texas.


12 ounce can of frozen limeade concentrate

12 ounces of Cuervo® Gold tequila (or your tequila of choice)

6 ounces of Cointreau® liquor

2 ounces of 7-UP® or Sprite®

Many hard frozen ice cubes


Put the frozen limeade concentrate, tequila and Cointreau® into a blender. Mix on high speed for one minute. Let the foam settle and then adjust the volume to exactly one quart with 7-UP® or Sprite® and mix briefly.

Pour half of the mixture (16 oz.) into a one quart Ziploc® freezer bag, seal it and put it into the freezer for later use.

Turn the blender on to a medium speed and add ice cubes two at a time through the small opening in the blender cap, waiting about five to ten seconds between each addition, until the blender is full (about 48 oz.).

Pour the blender contents into a one gallon Ziploc® freezer bag, seal it and put it into the freezer.

Remove the saved contents in the one quart Ziploc® freezer bag from the freezer and pour them into the blender.

Repeat the previous process with the ice cubes.

Use the saved one gallon Ziploc® freezer bag and beverage from the freezer and pour the contents of the blender into it. Seal it and return it to the freezer for later use.

Serve when needed in chilled margarita glasses. Have rim salt available for guests who like it.

Ray’s Salsa and a bowl of white corn tortilla chips are a fine accompaniment.