Smokey Dry Rub Chicken Wings - ☺♥
Smokey Dry Rub Chicken Wings

I decided to try baking chicken wings instead of frying them, while using a dry rub instead of later using only a dip, a rub, or a sauce. I saw a nice recipe on the Internet, modified it a fair amount, and had at it. What a good decision!

My sweetheart Peggy and I are highly pleased with the results, so it is obvious this recipe belongs in Food Nirvana. I hope you make these wings for they are excellent and bound to please your family and guests.


1 pound of chicken wings separated into drumsticks and flats

2 tablespoons of brown sugar

1 ½ teaspoons of sweet smoked paprika

1 ½ teaspoons of smokehouse flavored salt

1 teaspoon of smoke flavor seasoning powder

¾ teaspoon of garlic powder

¾ teaspoon of chili powder

½ teaspoon of dry mustard powder

¼ teaspoon of onion powder

1/8 teaspoon of cayenne pepper


Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (or to 375 degrees F if you are using a convection oven, which is the best way to make wings in an oven)

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place a wire baking rack on top.

Place the wing pieces on paper towels and cover them with paper towels and press together to thoroughly remove surface moisture from the wings. Repeat if necessary.

Mix the dry ingredients together in a gallon Ziploc® freezer bag. Shake to mix.

Put all of the wing pieces into the freezer bag, seal the bag and toss the pieces to coat them.

Evenly place the dry rub coated wing pieces on the baking rack.

Bake the wings for 30 minutes.

Turn the wings over and bake at 350 degrees F until they are crisp and golden brown, about 15 minutes.

Serve and enjoy, along with a cold beverage like beer.

You will be very pleased.